Tuesday 21 February 2012

You will always be the apple of my eye

Psalm 127:3~Children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. This passage is saying loud and clear children are God's gift to us...if they be ours by birth or adoption they are a precious gift from Him. There may be days they don't "feel" as such BUT God assures us in His Word they are! They need to be reassured we feel this way for them even at times when they let us down. We let our heavenly Father down many times, and yet there He is with His daily grace despite our warts, hairs and all...assuring us He loves us despite those many failings. I had a good chat with my son tonight about how we need to seek the honour that comes from God alone. How he can tell me things that are not true and I will never know, but our heavenly Father knows every single thought we have. The Bible tells us in Revelation 2:23 that Jesus reads our hearts. We can fool most people most of the time, but ultimately we all will stand before Him when we die and be judged by Him. Our kids I believe to know God in His fullness, to be taught He is not only Loving Father but also Righteous Judge. This will help to shape them as they grow up in Him, and they need to not be near as concerned displeasing us as they do Him. He is the One we desire to please in all things, and this precious grace we need not turn into a licence. Jesus Christ is to be our very life and the True Apple of our eye, and that love, that agape He gives us in our hearts we want to be reflected more than ever to our kids who are our gifts, our treasures, our precious heritage from Him. May they sense that in how we speak to them, how we spend good quality daily time with them, and especially in how we dicipline them..with the agape of Christ. I enjoy so much these years homeschooling my son. I thank God daily for the gift of grace Isaiah is to us, and may He see Christ in me, and learn to follow Jesus too as he grows up in His Savior. What a blessed heritage he is, and may God grant me much of HIS love as my own human love is ever failing..His love never, ever fails. Lord help us daily to be great parents!

Monday 16 January 2012

My Son wants to be a Herpitologist

What would you say if your son announced to you he wanted to be a herpitologist? Faint? LOL! Well this is what my son loves, amphibians and reptiles. I also have a huge passion for animals of every kind too, so the apple didn't fall far from the tree. We recently have a new addition to our home. Her name is Tiggie Blue. Well, we THINK it's a girl because she is wearing blue eye shaddow lol. It looks that way anyway as she has perfect patches of powder blue above each eye. She loves to crawl on our noses and pearch on them. This will have to stop as she enlarges LOL

We in this home love all God's creatures, great and small, with the exception of biting insects ;O). My son also has built his own websites I hope you will visit @ ~http://www.freewebs.com/frogsatriskandnotatrisk/ and http://herpsarecool2.webs.com/ and also http://herpsarecool3.webs.com/index.htm 

First Post on my blog~about Isaiah

Being a mommy to a 10 year old boy with Mild autism isn't always an easy thing, BUT it's both fun and rewarding. I enjoy learning together with my son, and enjoy time together that we wouldn't have if he were in public or Christian school. He is a joy to be with, and although some days I feel like pulling out HAIRS, I would not change this road we are on, and this method of educating my child. Many times today children have become a burden to their parents, and that is really sad. Parents can't wait to send the kids to school so they can have 'me time', but honestly what are we sacrificing? We should be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of our children who are a gift from God. If they don't see themselves as such to us, we will reap the reprocussions. I want to share my journey through homeschool with my son so people can enjoy reading about our adventures and misadventures. The joy of homeschooling is you get to be at the helm of what your kids are taught, and also can let the kids have a say. Last year Isaiah made a choice to study Canadian black history, and so we did that together and learned so much I never learned in School. This year we really haven't touched history yet, it's been alot of english and we are progressing nicely together.

Isaiah thankfully is doing very well, and we eliminated gluten from his diet and milk, and that has made huge differences in his behavior. I'm cutting too way back on sugar as that effects him too. If you have a child with autism I suggest you try making changes in their diet, and also use supplements such as Omega 3's, Folic Acid & B 12, probiotics, and eliminating things like milk, gluten/wheat products, and alot of sugars that are not coming from natural sources. It made a HUGE difference in his behavior and ability to concentrate. He still struggles at times, but what improvements his daddy and I have witnessed. I'm on a similar diet for my fibromyalgia, and it's helped me greatly too.

So we will be doing updates about life in our home, and also sharing stories about our pets, our family and most importantly about our God and faith because He is number one, and a relationship with Him is the most important relationship you can have. Our kids are His gifts to us. Let us treat them as such and let them know just how much they are valued.